
A bigger problem for you and your family is dry air in your home. Just like too much moisture can cause problems, so can a lack of moisture. Relatively low humidity in the home can cause some health issues, discomfort and damage to your home. Dry air can cause thing such as: dry skin, itchy skin, headaches, nosebleeds, breathing problems, brittle furnishings, wallpaper, and decor that will crack and peel.
Let our HVAC Contractor install a humidifier that is designed to provide you with full humidity control for your entire home. We provide portable humidifiers, warm and cool mist humidifiers, and other humidification systems in addition to our whole house humidifiers.
If your home has to much moisture, then we could install a dehumidifier. So give us a call today to learn more about our humidifiers and our various indoor comfort solutions.
Champion Air Systems, Inc. Proudly Services All Brands!
Our Humidifiers Includes the Following Detailed Services
If you're looking for humidifiers for your home, you've come to the right place to find what you need at Champion Air Systems Inc. We can outfit your entire home or any room you need humidifiers for with affordable, quality systems.
The most efficient and affordable humidifiers are the whole home indoor air humidifiers that are professionally installed. At Champion Air Systems Inc, we carry the best in quality manufactured, affordable humidifiers for your home.
Why Do I Need Professional Service For Home Humidifiers?
You could at any time go and purchase your own portable humidifiers and set them up around your home. But it's far better to seek professional HVAC technicians like Champion Air Systems Inc to help you with your humidity problems for several reasons.
First, the whole home humidification systems that are professionally installed are connected to your HVAC system and give you far better control over your indoor air humidity levels. In fact, you can even have the entire air system set up for remote monitoring and control over your smartphone or via an internet connection.
Second, the whole home humidifiers automatically sense the humidity levels and self-adjust to keep the air balanced.
Too much humidity causes your building materials to become moisture ridden, making textures on your ceilings and walls start peeling up and your drywall to warp. It's also the prime climate for mold and mildew growth which is a serious health hazard. While too little humidity dries out your woodwork and causes sinus and breathing problems. Balanced humidity is vital.
Third, you're not spending money on humidifiers that only work in one room of the house. Your entire home is balanced well. The addition of whole home humidifiers to your HVAC system adds value to your home.
Fourth, the portable humidifiers you find won't be built with the same quality as professionally installed humidifiers. You'll wind up having to add water to them all the time, making it a pain to have to use them. Whereas whole home humidifiers are connected to your system and never have to be manually refilled.
With professionally installed whole home humidifiers, your worries are over. You'll never have to give your system a second thought until it's time to have your air system tuned-up or maintained. Depending on the humidifiers you choose, make sure you give it proper care and maintenance. You may have filters that need changing every other month and may need to disinfect your humidifier regularly.
At that point, all you have to do is call us for an air conditioning and heating tune-up or sign up for a regular maintenance plan with us that will save you even more money on HVAC repairs and energy usage.
Both tune-ups and maintenance plans are extremely affordable and keep all your systems running smoothly. When in good condition, your entire heating and air system will supply you with the energy savings it should and will keep your equipment in top condition, making it all last longer.
Why Test Your Indoor Air Before Outfitting It With Humidifiers?
Every home will have different needs for humidifiers because no houses are built exactly alike. You many have more ventilation than the house next door, so there would be a difference in how much humidity infiltrates your home. First, we would assess the humidity levels in your home in order to determine the right system that would balance out your indoor air.
Also, heating and air systems can dry out your indoor air, making your needs different from anyone else's. Another factor will be the climate outdoors. In our area of the country, we experience a lot of humidity in our air from day to day.
This can also affect what's inside your home based on how air tight your home was built. Older homes tend to have more cracks and missing insulation where the outdoor air affects the indoor air more extensively. With our advanced, state of the art testing equipment, we can determine exactly what you need.
Give our air professionals a call and we'll help you figure out exactly what your home needs in humidifiers. We'll test your air, discuss your options with you, and give you a friendly quote you'll love.